Thursday, June 26, 2008

Final Paper, Finally Completed

Well guys, it is finally done, and after a lot of difficulty. I used Google Docs but as I would write my paper and save it, funny things would happen. I would get errors saying that connectivity was limited or could not be performed. This has to be one of the major down-points of Google Docs. For the last few days I could not connect because of various reasons. For some strange reason Google Docs is just not working like it should and maybe I have exposed an error.

However bad I find it, I can definietly see the positives. As working one nigght I noticed Glen come on and add comments as i was working. I actually sat there for 10 minutes waiting to read, and even after updating i was unable to read any comments. The next day I looked and still nothing. At the end of the day I could see the changes and the time said 152pm, then later 358pm (that the changes were made).

There is a lot of potential for people to collaborate together. Group assignments and such would just be excellent on a program like this, plus it allows others to log their work with a time date and stamp. As a teacher I would find this a lot easier to use that individual assignments. However, you cannot simply change 100% because as with all new technology there are still glitches that occur.

I get the importance of using Google Docs, but in my region it just isn't practical. Using high speed satelite is still different than DSL connections in the city. Should someone be handicapped for that. I would think not. Should I be penalized. I think not. In fact, if anything I should be commended with extra marks for fighting through and perservaling. If one chooses to discriminate a person because of their Internet speed then they should talk to my lawyer because I am sure that would be a simple case of discrimination. Yes I am passionate about this matter and feel like the world pretends they are open to distance education, but it seems like its only lip service and when it meets their needs.

I enjoyed working with everyone and hope you all have a great summer.

Jason Nadeau aka Hank Hill

Anyhow, I completed my paper in Google Docs, then pasted it in Word in case it would error and not save properly.


Hank Hill said...

Hey Glen, did you want me to post my assignment/paper? On my blog?

Glen said...

If you would be willing Jason I think that many of the group would be interested in reading your paper.

I agree whole-heartedly with your point about access to high speed internet in rural and remote communities.

As we move into an information economy, to deny access to Internet connectivity is a very discriminatory situation, a form of economic genocide for rural communities.

If the Mars Lander can send Twitter messages to earth, why can't people in rural and remote areas of Manitoba have the same access to the Internet as those in urban areas.

Educational institutions that resist allowing access to learning opportunities using computer mediated technology from their home communities also need to reconsider their practices.

One analyst that I read recently said that the situation amounts to professional malpractice on the part of publicly funded institutions.