Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pedagodgy of Propinquity

Wow Glen, did you invent new terminology?

I believe I have heard of this, I am looking for the term, but it may take me a few days or weeks. Incidental learning is what I think it really is labelled as. What we can all agree on is the fact that it is learning.

I really enjoyed your reasoning. I am entertained and exciting. Okay I have one!

Oh , I am not sharing mine yet, you will have to keep reading my bog!


1 comment:

Glen said...

I couldn't believe it either. Google had no hits.

There are a whole bunch of concepts that go together as the pedagogy of propinquity, incidental learning is certainly another one.

Looking forward to hearing about yours, maybe we could co-author a book, make our fortunes;>)