Monday, June 9, 2008

Posting Comments

I have just posted comments on everyone's blog in the course again. I have now posted at least 4 comments or more on each one's blog. I tried posting comments on Glen's blog but he has it blocked against public access/posting. You can only post if your a member of Wordpress so he loses out on my postings. Ha Ha. Don't cry. No, I think Glen will live...

As the course comes to an end, I am eagerly working on the final paper and completed all but one of the course activities. Summer is coming as the bugs are flourishing.



Glen said...

Great work at all the comments on everybody's blogs,Jason. I have read them all and appreciate your effort to get a dialog going.

As far as comments on the course blog, I would just as soon see people express themselves on their own blogs as you have done. That way when the course is done, all your contributions stay in your blog, not on the course blog.

As far as comments on the course blog, unfortunately there are some individuals who seem to get some satisfaction from vandalizing or trolling on public blogs where anonymous comments are allowed so I have had to restrict the comments.

Comments are still possible but with the requirement that there be some sort of trail back to the author of each comment through Wordpress membership.

This is an increasingly common practice on most blogs and it can save you some grief as a blogger.

If somebody does something inappropriate on your blog, like spamming or posting links to racist or pornographic material, the membership requirement allows you to trace their entry back through their ISP.

If there is a grievous enough complaint criminal charges can be laid, ISP privileges can be suspended and employers notified of inappropriate behavior.

That can be done with anonymous postings as well but the sign-up requirement seems to deter the some of the lazier vandals. ;>)

I think that you have limited the blog comments on your blog to those who have a Blogger account, which is an excellent way to do it.

When people know that they are going to be held accountable for the things they say in a public space, they are sometimes a little more careful.

Same thing for the words that you post. Make sure that you wouldn't regret anything that you wrote online if it happened to show up on your staff room buletin board, the front page of your hometown news paper or in a prospective employers file.

The designers of web tools are still figuring out how to allow for the maximum amount of interaction between people on the web while maintaining some limits to assure of civility.

Looking forward to receiving your Google doc which will signal to me that you have begun your paper.

~~ Sheri ~~ said...

Hi Hank...Jason I mean. Just commenting on your comments. You have done a great job on making remarks. Thanks for that. Hope to chat soon. said...

I appreciate your input, Jason. I have posted comments on a few other blogs, but not as often as I should have. By the way, congratulations on winning your NHL playoff pool.