Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Social Software

As a computer teacher, I have always allowed students to go to some questionable websites to allow them to make the correct choices and decisions. For example, I teach students netiquette and hope they use computers properly. I believe we must fall before we can stand, we must walk before we can run. This is why I allow my students to use MSN and chat, it has so many benefits (social communication, language, typing, etc..). However, many social applications are being abused and as such, they are either blocked or banned by many schools. I understand the complications of this are profound but it is important to allow students to make some mistakes.

I have to wonder if these social applications that we learn about in class will ever be allowed to run as they are intended, or will the leaders of society squash them as they have the electric car many years ago. Will they block these sites eliminating the social aspects of learning. I guess only time will tell as we progress into the 21st century. I hope society will at least give these social software’s the freedoms they require in order to be used properly and effectively.

1 comment:

~~ Sheri ~~ said...

I applaud your efforts! My kids are in a school that does not allow any of the social networking. I think they should learn more about it, advantages and disadvantages alike.

Curious....do you allow your students to use the IM lingo of rapid typing?!
Our society now is so hung up on getting things done NOW. We are a "hurry up and wait" society. Now our children are learning very poor grammar habits. Hmmm. Something to ponder and discuss at some point.
